Dr Mary Retallack

Retallack Viticulture Pty Ltd

Dr Mary Retallack, Agroecologist, Retallack Viticulture Pty Ltd

BAppSc(CPM), BEd, PGradDip (NRM), GradDip (Viti), PCert (Arb), PhD (VitiPlantProt), CPAg, MAIA, GAICD, ARLF

Mary is the Managing Director of Retallack Viticulture Pty Ltd which offers a broad range of agribusiness and agroecological consulting services throughout Australia and overseas. She is also a member of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) Viticulture Commission, Enviro and Protec groups, and The Australian and New Zealand Grapegrower and Winemaker Journal Editorial Panel. She is the founder of the National EcoVineyards program https://ecovineyards.com.au

As an experienced board director, agricultural scientist and third-generation viticulturist, Mary brings a wide range of skills and experience from practical, research, teaching, and consultancy roles and is recognised internationally as a Certified Practising Agriculturist (CPAg). These skills have been gathered over the past 28 years along with a PhD in Viticulture and Plant Protection and tertiary qualifications in Conservation and Park Management, Natural Resource Management, Education, Viticulture, and Arbitration.

Mary’s leadership and excellence in science have been acknowledged as a winner of the 2023 SA Environment Awards (innovation category), via inclusion in The Australian inaugural list of 100 Green Power Players 2022, the Gourmet Traveller WINE Len Evans Award for Leadership, as a Bob Hawke Landcare Award Finalist, SA Environment Awards finalist, RIRDC Rural Women’s Award (national winner), as an inductee on Emerald Grain’s list of 100 Women in Australian Agribusiness, and the Businesswomen’s Hall of Fame, a Women in Innovation finalist, and as a participant in the National Farmers’ Federation inaugural Diversity in Agriculture Leadership program. Mary is an ambassador for PIRSA’s Women Influencing Agribusiness and Regions, and Great Wine Capitals Knowledge Exchange initiatives. She is also a Stepping into Leadership program mentor, Drought Resilience Leaders Program mentor and SA Ag Careers Hub Ambassador. She lives on a small vineyard and apple orchard surrounded by native insectary plants in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia.